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Industry picks up in the US

The manufacturing industry in the United States grew 1.4% monthly in July and reached the highest level since January 2019.

The report is influenced by a monthly advance of 11.2% in the automotive industry, 1.9% in machinery and aerospace, 2.3% in electrical and 1.1% in computers and electronics. These goods are among the most important for Mexican exports.

However, the automotive industry is 3.63% below the levels of January this year and 10.9% below December 2018. The shortage of semiconductors impacts this industry in a particular way.

The sale of cars in the US has been at a minimum since July 2020. Although the shortage of cars in dealers is a brake on sales, the behavior of demand will have to be followed as government stimuli are reduced, and given the reduction in personal savings that had been achieved in previous months.

The challenges ahead for manufacturing center on overcoming supply constraints, ranging from chip shortages, ocean freight delays, and skilled personnel shortages. And on the demand side, a more cautious consumer who must rationalize their spending in the face of the inflationary upswing.


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