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Extraordinary Rebound in Exports

June 27, 2019

Amid the slowdown in international trade resulting from the economic war between the US and China, Mexican exports achieved a major jump in May, to reach a new monthly historical record of 40.269 million dollars.

The advance of automotive exports (including auto parts) stands out with a year-on-year increase of 17% in dollar terms.

More interesting is the surplus of the non-oil balance for 3.037 million dollars in a single month, to also achieve a record balance.

The total trade balance achieves a monthly surplus of 983 million dollars, very close to the maximum of the last 13 years.

The external sector continues to expand despite geopolitical risks, responding to the fundamentals of Mexico: availability of labor and labor costs in highly competitive dollars, at a time when the United States is in full employment and China is facing tariff barriers on their exports.

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